Have a look at some of our most recent publications.
Head circumference and intelligence, schooling, employment, and income: a systematic review.
Journal article
Freire MBO. et al, (2024), BMC Pediatr, 24
Ethics roundtable: choice and autonomy in obstetrics
Journal article
Wilkinson D. et al, (2024), Journal of Medical Ethics
Parfitian priority, gene therapy and disability
Journal article
Wilkinson D., (2024), Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
Augmenting research consent: Should large language models (LLMs) be used for informed consent to clinical research?
Journal article
Allen J. et al, (2024), Research Ethics
A Wish to Die Trying to Live: Unwise or Incapacitous? The Case of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust v ‘ST’
Journal article
Wellesley JP. et al, (2024), Journal of Medical Ethics
Statistical analysis plan for the Petal trial: the effects of parental touch on relieving acute procedural pain in neonates
Journal article
Baxter L. et al, (2024), Wellcome Open Research, 8, 402 - 402
Challenges and limits in deciding with children
Wilkinson D., (2024), Deciding with Children in paediatrics. Children’s participation in healthcare decision-making
Premedication for less invasive surfactant administration: a narrative review.
Journal article
Murphy CA. et al, (2024), Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
Recognising uncertainty: an integrated framework for palliative care in perinatal medicine
Journal article
Wilkinson D. et al, (2024), Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Establishing a standardised approach for the measurement of neonatal noxious-evoked brain activity in response to an acute somatic nociceptive heel lance stimulus
Journal article
Aspbury M. et al, (2024), Cortex, 179, 215 - 234
Hope pluralism in antenatal palliative care
Journal article
Bertaud S. et al, (2024), Journal of Medical Ethics
Parents in Neonatal Pain Management-An International Survey of Parent-Delivered Interventions and Parental Pain Assessment.
Journal article
Ullsten A. et al, (2024), Children (Basel), 11
Ethical Challenges of Multiple Organ Transplant in Cystic Fybrosis
Journal article
Oliver M. et al, (2024), Medical Journal of Australia
Facilitating home birth in perinatal palliative care: Case Report
Journal article
Bertaud S. et al, (2024), Palliative Medicine
Self-navigated 3D diffusion MRI using an optimized CAIPI sampling and structured low-rank reconstruction estimated navigator
Journal article
Li Z. et al, (2024), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
The association between ibuprofen administration in children and the risk of developing or exacerbating asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Journal article
Baxter L. et al, (2024), BMC Pulm Med, 24
Debate: Should parents be able to request non-resuscitation for all extremely-premature newborn infants?
Journal article
Wilkinson D. and SAVULESCU J., (2024), Asian Bioethics Review