Fiona Moultrie
MBChB (Hons) BMedSci MRCPCH DPhil
Postdoctoral Researcher
Fiona completed her medical degree at the University of Edinburgh with an intercalated BMedSci in Neuroscience. She moved to Oxford to work as a clinical doctor on the Academic Foundation programme, during which she began working with Prof Rebeccah Slater. Fiona was awarded an Academic Clinical Fellowship in Paediatrics to continue studying the development of noxious-evoked brain activity using EEG. Fiona completed a DPhil at the University of Oxford investigating pain processing in the developing brain using EEG and functional MRI, funded by the Wellcome Trust and NIHR BRC Oxford. She was awarded the Trinity College Graduate Scholarship and Trinity College Graduate Prize.
Fiona is a Postdoctoral researcher primarily working on PETAL (the ParEntal Touch TriAL) and validating an EEG-based measure of pain for premature infants.
In the long-term, Fiona aims to translate advances in our mechanistic understanding of pain processing in early life to improve pain management in neonatal care and identify safe, evidence-based analgesics.
Recent publications
Moultrie F. et al, (2025), Trends Mol Med
Hauck AGV. et al, (2024), Lancet Child Adolesc Health, 8, 259 - 269
van der Vaart M. et al, (2024), Pain
High resolution diffusion imaging in the unfixed post-mortem infant brain at 7T
Wu W. et al, (2024), Imaging Neuroscience
Cobo MM. et al, (2022), BMJ Open, 12
Schmidt Mellado G. et al, (2022), NeuroImage: Clinical, 33, 102914 - 102914
Baxter L. et al, (2021), Nature Communications, 12
Cobo MM. et al, (2021), eLife, 10
Hartley C. et al, (2021), British Journal of Anaesthesia, 126, e133 - e135
Cobo MM. et al, (2020)