Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Fiona Moultrie and Rebeccah Slater
Conferences Research
Monday, 13 May 2019 to Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Pain management has become a key paediatric research priority. High-profile cases in the media this year have highlighted the difficulty of assessing pain in neonatal & paediatric intensive care. This interactive workshop, run by Fiona Moultrie, with Professors of Paediatric Neuroscience, Intensive Care, and Ethics will explore the mechanistic, pharmacological and ethical challenges of managing pain in infants and children.
Join us for up to three days of inspirational talks, informative workshops and exclusive networking opportunities.
Our workshop will include:
Prof Rebeccah Slater, Professor of Paediatric Neuroimaging, University of Oxford
Pain-related brain activity - an objective tool for measuring analgesic efficacy in infants
Dr Fiona Moultrie, Paediatric Clinical Doctoral Fellow, University of Oxford
MRI - what can it tell us about pain and its consequences in infants and children?
Professor Christina Liossi, Professor of Paediatric Psychology, University of Southampton
Psychological therapies for cancer pain in children
Professor Dominic Wilkinson, Professor of Medical Ethics, University of Oxford
Ethics involved in pain management and pain research in paediatrics