Pain research in infants is highly emotive and generates a huge amount of public interest. We created a simple animation to explain the importance of understanding pain in babies, the difficulties of assessing their pain, and how we are applying exciting new imaging techniques to understand what is going on in their brains. The video has appealed to parents of infants on the neonatal unit, adults and school children, as well as scientists, doctors and nurses.
This short animation has been exhibited at public engagement events at the Natural History Museum (Oxford), Ashmolean Museum, and Cheltenham Science Festival. The work was recently also recognised with an Honourable Mention at the OxTalent 2018 awards in the Digital Media Category.
We imagine that to cover such a broad target audience would have been an immense challenge for anyone and we think they have this spot on which is a considerable achievement - well done!
- OxTALENT judges